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Street Food Business Around the World. People run street food booths around the world for a number of reasons, such as to get an opportunity to open their own business on a budget, to sell food in a lively place, or to promote their own special recipe. The advantage of these kinds of small businesses is that they provide opportunities for owners on smaller budgets. At the same time, consumers benefit because of the variety of food that is available. Special Family Recipes. In the crowded cities in Vietnam, people usually keep their doors open, so cooking and eating food on the street is natural. Street food businesses in Vietnam are usually owned by the family, and recipes are kept in the family. These recipes are often handed down from the mother of the family to her children. Meals from the Sky. Melbourne, Australia has many small buildings and narrow alleys between them. This gave rise to a unique restaurant called Jafflechutes, which sells sandwiches by parachute. Three young men wanted to sell sandwiches, but they didn't have the money to rent a ground floor space. Instead of customers coming up, they thought why not send sandwiches down? Customers can pay online, select a time, stand on an 'X' marked outside the building, and wait for the parachute with their name on it. Food that Moves. In the United States, food trucks have become very popular among workers in large cities. Food trucks can move around, and many sell food that originated in other countries like Mexico, China, Brazil, and Turkey. For example, one of many recently popular food trucks, called Kogi, sells a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico. Kogi's marketing strategy uses social networking to announce where it will turn up next.
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1 Street Food Business Around the World. 2 People run street food booths around the world for a number of reasons, such as to get an opportunity to open their own business on a budget, to sell food in a lively place, or to promote their own special recipe. 3 The advantage of these kinds of small businesses is that they provide opportunities for owners on smaller budgets. 4 At the same time, consumers benefit because of the variety of food that is available. 5 Special Family Recipes. 6 In the crowded cities in Vietnam, people usually keep their doors open, so cooking and eating food on the street is natural. 7 Street food businesses in Vietnam are usually owned by the family, and recipes are kept in the family. 8 These recipes are often handed down from the mother of the family to her children. 9 Meals from the Sky. 10 Melbourne, Australia has many small buildings and narrow alleys between them. 11 This gave rise to a unique restaurant called Jafflechutes, which sells sandwiches by parachute. 12 Three young men wanted to sell sandwiches, but they didn't have the money to rent a ground floor space. 13 Instead of customers coming up, they thought why not send sandwiches down? 14 Customers can pay online, select a time, stand on an 'X' marked outside the building, and wait for the parachute with their name on it. 15 Food that Moves. 16 In the United States, food trucks have become very popular among workers in large cities. 17 Food trucks can move around, and many sell food that originated in other countries like Mexico, China, Brazil, and Turkey. 18 For example, one of many recently popular food trucks, called Kogi, sells a mix of BBQ from Korea and food from Mexico. 19 Kogi's marketing strategy uses social networking to announce where it will turn up next.