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1 People usually drink tea, but coffee is becoming more and more popular. 2 And one of the most popular foods in Germany is not sausages and kraut (cabbage), but Turkish kebab. 3 Chinese food is found in every food court around the world. 4 There are about 69,000 pizzerias in the U.S., and the number is growing. 5 Pizza is originally from Italy, but today it is part of the American menu. 6 Nowadays with globalization, ethnic foods are also becoming popular everywhere. 7 In the past, most ethnic foods were just local. 8 There are over 300 Starbucks coffee shops in the country. 9 But coffee is becoming more and more popular. 10 But, coffee is becoming more and more popular. 11 Coffee is becoming more and more popular. 12 In general, pizza in New York tastes more or less like a pizza in Italy or Hong Kong. 13 In China, people usually drink tea, but coffee is becoming more and more popular. 14 You can get a shrimp hamburger at McDonald's. 15 Now they produce Coca Cola and Inca Kola. 16 Coca Cola couldn't compete against Inca Kola, so they bought the factory. 17 In Peru, the most popular soft drink was and still is Inca Kola. 18 Some famous brands had diffculty when they first entered certain countries. 19 In Spain, you can order beer or wine with your hamburger instead of a soft drink, and in Japan, you can get a shrimp hamburger at McDonald's. 20 However, there are some changes. 21 However, there are some changes in the food according to the tastes and culture of the different countries.