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제목 없음
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the set of 17 global goals provided by the UN to unite global stakeholders in the work towards a better and more sustainable future for everyone. The SDGs provide a historic opportunity for international partnership in order to address the global challenges the world faces, such as extreme poverty, environmental degradation, injustice, and discrimination. Sustainable Development is most often defined as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The 17 global goals are structured into 169 ambitious targets, with the goal to achieve them by 2030. As for businesses, the targets can help clarify which key SDG challenges your business will prioritize. The story about the SDGs began even before their inception in 2015. In September 2000, the United Nations Procurement Division (UNDP) gathered leaders of 189 countries and signed the historic Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a declaration which committed a collaboration between nations to achieve a framework of eight goals. The goals ranged from halving extreme poverty and hunger to promoting gender equality by 2015. Unfortunately, the SDGs set for 2030 have not been fully achieved as of 2024. However, this global initiative has already become one of the most successful anti-poverty campaigns in history. The SDGs originated from the UNDP and the same allied countries, with the goal to continue working towards the efforts outlined in the MDGs. But this time around, the whole spectrum of sustainability would be considered – encompassing people, planet, and profit. Since Agenda 2030 was authorized, it has provided a framework for organizations, institutions, and governance to work towards a more sustainable world. Today, 2030 is just six years away, and we are still facing numerous challenges and difficulties to overcome. Being a part of and contributing towards the SDGs is not only critical to change our trajectory towards a sustainable future, but it also greatly benefits your personal growth and future career prospects. We all have a role to play in achieving the SDGs by 2030. To best connect and engage with these goals, it's important to educate yourself and understand your surroundings. By incorporating the SDGs into your daily life, you can not only contribute to significant change but also take a leading role among your peers. This will help foster your personal growth and build better relationships with your community. Through practicing the SDGs, you can become part of a change that benefits both the planet and your own future.
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1 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the set of 17 global goals provided by the UN to unite global stakeholders in the work towards a better and more sustainable future for everyone. 2 The SDGs provide a historic opportunity for international partnership in order to address the global challenges the world faces, such as extreme poverty, environmental degradation, injustice, and discrimination. 3 Sustainable Development is most often defined as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." 4 The 17 global goals are structured into 169 ambitious targets, with the goal to achieve them by 2030. 5 As for businesses, the targets can help clarify which key SDG challenges your business will prioritize. 6 The story about the SDGs began even before their inception in 2015. 7 In September 2000, the United Nations Procurement Division (UNDP) gathered leaders of 189 countries and signed the historic Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a declaration which committed a collaboration between nations to achieve a framework of eight goals. 8 The goals ranged from halving extreme poverty and hunger to promoting gender equality by 2015. 9 Unfortunately, the SDGs set for 2030 have not been fully achieved as of 2024. 10 However, this global initiative has already become one of the most successful anti-poverty campaigns in history. 11 The SDGs originated from the UNDP and the same allied countries, with the goal to continue working towards the efforts outlined in the MDGs. 12 But this time around, the whole spectrum of sustainability would be considered – encompassing people, planet, and profit. 13 Since Agenda 2030 was authorized, it has provided a framework for organizations, institutions, and governance to work towards a more sustainable world. 14 Today, 2030 is just six years away, and we are still facing numerous challenges and difficulties to overcome. 15 Being a part of and contributing towards the SDGs is not only critical to change our trajectory towards a sustainable future, but it also greatly benefits your personal growth and future career prospects. 16 We all have a role to play in achieving the SDGs by 2030. 17 To best connect and engage with these goals, it's important to educate yourself and understand your surroundings. 18 By incorporating the SDGs into your daily life, you can not only contribute to significant change but also take a leading role among your peers. 19 This will help foster your personal growth and build better relationships with your community. 20 Through practicing the SDGs, you can become part of a change that benefits both the planet and your own future.