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수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) mini Test 2
수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) mini Test 2
수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) mini Test 2
24~25번 문제
문장 선택
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24~25번 문제
Many people who understand human social evolution as a story of continual progress fail to appreciate the role that environmental degradation has played. Commonly, people believe that the change from food foraging to agriculture happened because people traded an insecure way of life for one that was more secure and satisfying. Little evidence exists to support this view. Rather, climate changes that "shrank" livable environments, human population growth, the exhaustion of edible plant and large animal populations, and the discoveries and innovations that made dependence on agriculture possible all combined to cause this transformation. Furthermore, fossil records and archaeological evidence confirm that hunter-gatherers did not abandon their lifestyle until forced to do so by the problems, and did so at different times and in widely scattered areas around the world. A similar combination of environmental problems, scarcities, and technological possibilities caused the decline of ancient empires (like the Mayans, Mesopotamians, and Romans) and stimulated the emergence of industrial societies. The growth of innovations and technologies produced more complex human systems having ever-larger productive capacities to support human populations. Elites may have benefited from an enhanced ability to extend their control and powers of taxation across larger systems. Non-elites, however, often did not change their lifestyles from positive attractions but rather to survive when they had no other choices. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, established farmers often did not willingly move to cities seeking urban employment, but the story of rural to urban migration is also one of progressive rural poverty, bankruptcy, and foreclosed farm mortgages.
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1 Many people who understand human social evolution as a story of continual progress fail to appreciate the role that environmental degradation has played. 2 Commonly, people believe that the change from food foraging to agriculture happened because people traded an insecure way of life for one that was more secure and satisfying. 3 Little evidence exists to support this view. 4 Rather, climate changes that "shrank" livable environments, human population growth, the exhaustion of edible plant and large animal populations, and the discoveries and innovations that made dependence on agriculture possible all combined to cause this transformation. 5 Furthermore, fossil records and archaeological evidence confirm that hunter-gatherers did not abandon their lifestyle until forced to do so by the problems, and did so at different times and in widely scattered areas around the world. 6 A similar combination of environmental problems, scarcities, and technological possibilities caused the decline of ancient empires (like the Mayans, Mesopotamians, and Romans) and stimulated the emergence of industrial societies. 7 The growth of innovations and technologies produced more complex human systems having ever-larger productive capacities to support human populations. 8 Elites may have benefited from an enhanced ability to extend their control and powers of taxation across larger systems. 9 Non-elites, however, often did not change their lifestyles from positive attractions but rather to survive when they had no other choices. 10 In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, established farmers often did not willingly move to cities seeking urban employment, but the story of rural to urban migration is also one of progressive rural poverty, bankruptcy, and foreclosed farm mortgages.