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They have traveled some foreign countries for market research to predict the expected sales. According to MS Lee's calculate, 150 square meters of hardwood flooring are needed to complete the project. According to MS. Both employee interested in participating in the seminar should contact Dan Bezel at extension 7145. The letter regarding the proposed compliance of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. The letter regarding the proposed document of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. The letter regarding the proposed detachment of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. The letter regarding the proposed acquisition of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. Thanks to a strong demand for our products, customers should expect shipment delays of seven days or more. A comprehensive research conducted by jeju Airlines indicates that most passengers prefer secure Internet access on airplanes. The six Flags one-day free ride pass costs thirty euros and can be purchased at ticket booth in the amusement park. Some stores distribute a packet of tissue instead of another promotional products because of their limited budget. The designs for the new city art museum was changed owing to several reasons. The design for the new city art museum was changed owing to several reasons. Our most factory machines are designed to replace the worn-out components easily. All the employees involved in the Renewable Energy Project are asked to attend the opening ceremony of RENO Engineering's new manufacturing. Our repair service department provides technical assistance for customer 24 hours a day. Our repair service department provides technical assist for customer 24 hours a day. Many negative responses have been received form customers until now. The six Flags one-day free ride pass costs thirty euros and can be purchased at any ticket booth in the amusement park. Lee's calculate, 150 square meters of hardwood flooring are needed to complete the project.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 They have traveled some foreign countries for market research to predict the expected sales. 2 According to MS Lee's calculate, 150 square meters of hardwood flooring are needed to complete the project. 3 According to MS. 4 Both employee interested in participating in the seminar should contact Dan Bezel at extension 7145. 5 The letter regarding the proposed compliance of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. 6 The letter regarding the proposed document of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. 7 The letter regarding the proposed detachment of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. 8 The letter regarding the proposed acquisition of Marcie Law Office by Kpoor Legal Services has arrived. 9 Thanks to a strong demand for our products, customers should expect shipment delays of seven days or more. 10 A comprehensive research conducted by jeju Airlines indicates that most passengers prefer secure Internet access on airplanes. 11 The six Flags one-day free ride pass costs thirty euros and can be purchased at ticket booth in the amusement park. 12 Some stores distribute a packet of tissue instead of another promotional products because of their limited budget. 13 The designs for the new city art museum was changed owing to several reasons. 14 The design for the new city art museum was changed owing to several reasons. 15 Our most factory machines are designed to replace the worn-out components easily. 16 All the employees involved in the Renewable Energy Project are asked to attend the opening ceremony of RENO Engineering's new manufacturing. 17 Our repair service department provides technical assistance for customer 24 hours a day. 18 Our repair service department provides technical assist for customer 24 hours a day. 19 Many negative responses have been received form customers until now. 20 The six Flags one-day free ride pass costs thirty euros and can be purchased at any ticket booth in the amusement park. 21 Lee's calculate, 150 square meters of hardwood flooring are needed to complete the project.