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한양대 2022학년도 편입영어(자연)
한양대 2022학년도 편입영어(자연)
한양대 2022학년도 편입영어(자연)
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1 Almost throughout history it was generally accepted that creativity 'just happens'. 2 Ideas float into the mind of their own accord, unpredictably, and no further explanation is possible. 3 The most common cartoon depiction of this phenomenon is of an electric bulb suddenly lighting up in the brain. 4 But this is altogether too simple a view of creativity. 5 First, it suggests ideas come about without prior cogitation. 6 But it would be hard to find a great creative thinker who did not say ideas are the result of long cogitation. 7 Sir Isaac Newton did not simply discover gravity when he saw an apple falling, as the famous anecdote claims. 8 He had been thinking about the nature of gravity for years. 9 Indeed, when asked how he came by his discoveries, Newton replied 'By always thinking about them'. 10 Yes, new ideas do come to highly creative people out of the blue. 11 But they come because creative people constantly seek them, both consciously and subconsciously. 12 Second, the light bulb image suggests that ideas arrive fully formed in the brain. 13 This seldom happens. 14 Albert Einstein took at least 10 years to develop his theory of relativity. 15 Most creativity involves the development and execution of original insights. 16 Pablo Picasso constantly changed and transformed his mural masterpiece Guernica as he painted it. 17 Professor Robert Weisberg, who has written extensively about this, defines creativity as incremental in nature, and that is an excellent way to think of it.